the solo spider farm build is pretty well known, the chest run build just the same as any run setup?
for fow as a group i run this
warriors endurance (elite)
beserker stance
power attack
Free slot (pure strike or an interupt i take)
watch yourself (or another defensive skills doesnt realy matter, not a stance though)
heal sig
plague touch (or a class specific skill iof your choice)
rez sig (or a "proper" rez if you are /mo)
strength has to be how you like
basic idea is that with warriors edurance and beserker stance your always in a stance, warriors edurance means you have so much enrgy you can basically spam power attack...
not very defensive tbh, its heavily geared as an attacking build but you can sub the atttck skills for maybe dolyak or something.
this build requires monks with hex removal (just ask them nicely or avoid pugs)
Last edited by Venus was her name; Jul 29, 2006 at 02:40 PM // 14:40..